Minggu, 02 Desember 2018

From BTS to Find Out My First Love

We life in digital era. We can do anything in easier ways. One of the reason is... because people nowadays use internet, especially social media!

I've found out things i can't even imagine!

It changes my life day by day.

Starting from BTS.

Kenapa BTS?
BTS adalah salah satu contoh how social media effects work. Social media makes them grom bigger day by day. Mereka berbakat? Jelas. Tapi mereka memanfaatkan media sosial dengan sangat baik. Mereka adalah contoh when talents meet popularity.

Dan akhir-akhir ini pun i've fallen for them too. Dan my feeling for them bigger, because i can get information, any informations about them in easy ways, because if social media! Youtube, twitter, instagram and any other ways!

Dan karena terlalu sering lihat mereka, jadi punya perasaan yang aneh-aneh. The feeling i shouldn't have.

One of the members named Jungkook is my bias. Suatu hari dia bilang, lebih baik mati daripada hidup tanpa pasion.

And the fact that Jungkook is younger than me have passions in his life makes me think hard about what is my passion?

Yah, perasaan gak punya pasion itu menghantui banget dan yah bener-bener gak enak.

Dan ngelihat dia yang bisa seambisi itu melakukan hal kayak nyanyi, nari dan fotografi buat kembali bertanya,

What is my pasion?

Ohiya, ngomongin tentang sosial media lagi nih.

Baru aja buka story instagram yang ngelink ke instagram seseorang yang kerasa familiar, and he is my very first love(?).

Sebenernya konyol sih. I don't have my really firs love sih. He is my friend in kindergarden and i thought i loved him that time. Anak-anak.

Tapi lucu aja, gak inget kapan terakhir kali ketemu, lihat lagi (meskipun cuma lewat feed instagram) jadi amazed banget.

Ya, lagi-lagi. Social media helps me to find something i've never even be brave to imagine before.

12.30 am.